Chrysanthemum, marissa haque fawzi alumni unika atmajaya jakarta

Chrysanthemum, marissa haque fawzi alumni unika atmajaya jakarta
Chrysanthemum, marissa haque fawzi alumni unika atmajaya jakarta

Marissa Haque Alumni Pasca Sarjana, FKIP Unika Atmajaya, Jakarta

Marissa Haque Alumni Pasca Sarjana, FKIP Unika Atmajaya, Jakarta
Belajar Ilmu Psicho-linguistics Khusus untuk Anak Tunarungu di FKIP Unika Atmajaya, Jakarta, Ikang Fawzi dan Marissa Haque

Buku Kedua Marissa Haque, "Bahasa Kasih", Alumni Pasca Sarjana LTBI Unika Atmajaya

Buku Kedua Marissa Haque, "Bahasa Kasih", Alumni Pasca Sarjana LTBI Unika Atmajaya
Buku Kedua Marissa Haque, "Bahasa Kasih", Alumni Pasca Sarjana LTBI Unika Atmajaya

Karya Buku Marissa Grace Haque Fawzi ke 2, "Bahasa Kasih"

Karya Buku Marissa Grace Haque Fawzi ke 2, "Bahasa Kasih"
Speech Therapist untuk Deaf and Mute Children, Karya Buku Marissa Grace Haque Fawzi ke 2, "Bahasa Kasih"

kampus riset marissa grace haque fawzi

kampus riset marissa grace haque fawzi
kampus riset marissa grace haque fawzi

marissa haque alumni fkip linguistik bahasa inggris unika atmajaya, jakarta

marissa haque alumni fkip linguistik bahasa inggris unika atmajaya, jakarta
marissa haque alumni fkip linguistik bahasa inggris unika atmajaya, jakarta

Ikang Fawzi dan Marissa Haque, UI dan Usakti plus Unika Atmajaya, 2001

Ikang Fawzi dan Marissa Haque, UI dan Usakti plus Unika Atmajaya, 2001
Ikang Fawzi dan Marissa Haque, UI dan Usakti plus Unika Atmajaya, 2001

Senin, 12 September 2011

Contoh Graduation Speech by Rangga Almahendra (Suami Hanum Rais), Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Graduation Speech by my husband


Thank you so much; it is really a tremendous honor for me to stand before you, all the distinguished ladies and gentlemen. Allow me to extend my warm greeting to the rector council, professors and all faculty members of WU, His excellency Indonesian ambassador to Austria, family, friends, guests, and of course the very reason of our presence today: the fellow doctoral graduates of March 2011.

Dear my fellow graduates,
I know we are here to celebrate our achievement for our doctoral degree, but let’s take a moment for a while to thank the unspoken heroes of today: our families, parents, husband or wife, brothers or sisters. These are the people who always believe in us, people who are willing to listen to all our problems, our complaints and difficulties. These people are our family whose love and care always encourage us in each and every day. I believe today is not only our own day. This day is theirs too…

So let’s give our warm applause to all of our families.
Unfortunately, my parents aren’t able to come here, as for myself, the journey for being here is much more than taking 10.000 kilometers flight across three great oceans. I remember 3.5 years ago, when I stepped in to this building, I was haunted with deep anxiety and uncertainty. I knew that I have to cope with different languages, different food, different people with different values and different way of thinking. At that time, I wasn’t sure if I could survive another 3 or 4 years to come to finish my PhD.

But today, I must appreciate the tireless effort from all employees and faculty members at WU who helped me throughout the difficult process. Thanks to the commitment from the rector council for increasing the internationality of this university. The number of international students, international partners, and international faculty members are increasing year by year. The ratio of the international faculty will reach to 30 %, and the number of international students has passed to a quarter, which means that every fourth student you meet here is from abroad.

During my study here, I also witness a great transformation of this university. This institution has transformed from a Viennese college of economic and business administration, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, into a World-class University, abbreviated as W-U.

So I think we are here today, not only to celebrate our achievement for winning a PhD, but also to sustain an example of the possible success of world class school which holds the spirit of professionalism and equality. Here, we’re showing to break free the tiring debate about race, religion, ethnicity and gender that dominates our politics and newspaper in the last decade.

I’m coming from a third world country called Indonesia. I was born in a very small village, which was no electricity and running clean water; more than half of the people in the village earn less than 1 euro per day. My parents are only medium class civil servants, who never even dared to dream sending their son to study abroad. It’s finally Professor Wolfgang Obenaus who convinced me to come to this prestigious university, in the heart of Europe, using the scholarship from the Austrian government for third world countries.

I am also glad that finally I am allowed to wear ‘Batik’, our traditional clothes today, as I always believe that the graduation committee will embrace diversity. Because they also hold the value of our university, that the single most important factor determining people achievement is not the color of their skin, the religion of their life, it is not who their parents are, or how much money they have. I believe the promise of the education system here. No matter how we look like, whatever our nationality is, or our religion, each of us, should have the chance to achieve our dream, to enjoy the same opportunity.

Dear fellow graduates,
We know that we’re living in a global era. It’s the time where people in Vienna are also competing with people in Shanghai or Mumbai, India. Jobs can be located anywhere in this planet. It’s finally our skill and knowledge that become our global passport. The most valuable things you can sell are skill and knowledge.

Living in this globalization era should make us aware that we are breathing in the same global village. In this village, every belief and value can be found. Insignificant differences can spark into conflict, chaos even war. But I’m sure that everybody in this room won’t let this happen. Because, despite these differences, we share the same hope, same belief that we are connected together as brother and sister from the past.

Driven by this belief, I am also calling on you to be an agent of transformation, who always seeks to make this world a better place to live, a safer place for diversity; as being shown by the great transformation of this university.
Within these few weeks I am flying back to Indonesia…

I’m a Moslem and I will speak loud and clear to the people in my country that I am proud to be part of this great European education institution; where I do not learn about business and economics only, but also about tolerance and respecting each other.

Sooner or later you will also make your own journey. For some of you, the journey ahead will not be easy. But the truth is that none of us knows how the future will look like. What I can tell you for sure is that the future is not someplace we will discover, but rather something we will create.

I believe that we can survive anywhere in this world, because we are the graduates of WU. We were trained with high international standard, by global-minded faculties which hold the spirit of professionalism and tolerance.

Today, we are all proud to receive our doctorate certificate, a reward for our effort that we will treasure for the rest of our life.
But as a famous saying says: the greatest treasures are not those visible to the eye but found by the heart. Knowledge and happiness are the true treasure for a wise man; indeed, tolerance is the real treasure for humanity.

It is my sincere hope that your next journey will take you to the summit of your hope, to the highest peak of your happiness, to the ultimate blessing for humanity.

Again congratulation, have a pleasant journey, and may God always be with us
Thank you.

Vienna, 11th March 2011
Rangga Almahendra

"Contoh Graduation Speech by Rangga Almahendra (Suami Hanum Rais), Friday, March 18, 2011"

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Like Water that Flows Constantly : Marissa Haque Fawzi

Reflections on the meaning of life: Marissa Haque
(Amidst the flood that hits Indonesia)
Bintaro, Jakarta, February 21, 2004

Water is the source of life

It is very flexible and can easily adapt itself to anything.
If its course is blocked by a rock, then it will choose another one and continues flowing down towards its destination.

Water also behaves modesty, because it always flows to a lower place.

If the temperature rises, it evaporates, goes up to the sky and afterwards comes down again on the earth.

Water cleans everything; it floods the rice fields in the dry season; it cleans dust and makes the soil fertile.
According to a story, when the rain falls, thousands of angels come down with it.

But if the rains come down in torrents and continuously, like what is happening in the last few days in Indonesia, then there might be something wrong in the relations between men and water.

Water will become men’s friend if we treat it in s friendly way, but if we don’t do it, it will destroy us.

In life, water is an indicator of the quality of men in the eyes of God the Almighty.


Dalam: "Like Water that Flows Constantly : Marissa Haque Fawzi"

Budaya Menulis Alumni Unika Atmajaya Jakarta: Marissa Haque Fawzi

Baru kusadari beberapa hari terakhir ini ketika seorang teman yang dekat di hatiku dari FH UGM bertanya: "Mbak Icha sayang...keliahtannya para alum ni dari Unika Atmajaya Jakarta itu punya ciri yang sama deh yaitu suka menulis!" Hhmmm...iya juga ya?

Namun saya menyukai dunia tulis-menulis jauh sebelum menapaki kaki mengambil S2 ku yang pertama di kampus ini. Tapi....memang, setelah gabung dalam pembelajaran di kampus ini kemampuan dan kesenanganku menulis menjadi semakin terasah. Khususnya karena Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan di sini terkenal salah satu yang terbaik di Indonesia, sayapun mengambil S2 dari jurusan LTBI singkatan dari Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris.

Ta hanya diriku Dari LTBI, ternyata adik kelasku dari FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) bernama Angelina Sondakh jua sangat produksitf sekarang dalam dunia penulisa buku. Memang banyak yang memcingkan mata ketika tulisannya melulu soal keluarga dan dirinya. Tapi saya pikir mereka yang sinis itu hanya iri kepada Angie yang cerdas serta produktif! Iri pertanda tak mampu...hehe...karena kalau mereka iri sebenarnya jawabannya hanya satu yaitu "menulis juga dong!" Beradu karya melalui budaya menulis pasti akan positif. Daya nalar serta kreasi sportif pasti akan mengemuka, dan dampaknya akan menepis hal negatif lainnya.

Sehingga tanpa ragu-ragu saya berani mengajak anda semua untuk bergabung bersama dalam dunia positif yang saya sekeluarga sukai, yaitu: "Ayo Memulis!"


"Budaya Menulis Alumni Unika Atmajaya Jakarta: Marissa Haque Fawzi"

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Marissa Haque: "Proses Kreatif Lagu & Syair Ikang Fawzi"

Alhamdulillah Karya Buku Ketigaku Hampir Rampung: Marissa Haque Fawzi

“Musik, Film, Sastra, dan Linguistik”

Banyak teman infotainment menanyakan kepada kami berdua, seperti apa sih macam atau bentuk manajemen keluarga kami? Maka… inilah salah satu jawaban ata pertanyaan tersebut diatas, bahwa dunia asli keluarga Ikang Fawzi dan Marissa Haque yang juga diisi oleh Isabella Fawzi & Chikita Fawzi adalah: (1) musik; (2) film; (3) sastra; dan (4) linguistik.

Sebagai penulis memang saya belum terlalu produktif–tentu dengan catatan penulisan ilmiah akademik saya sangat banyak. Baru terbilang dua buku saya hasilkan di dalam kurun waktu sepuluh tahun terakhir ini, yaitu: (1) Aminah; dan (2) Bahasa Kasih.

Buku pertama adala buku anak-anak dan lingkungan hidup terkait pencemaran lingkungan, berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia (bilingual). Sementara buku kedua adalah transliterasi dari thesis S2-ku yang pertama dari Pasca Sarjana Unika Atmajaya jurusan LTBI (Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris), tentang pengajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi anak-anak tunarungu (ASL atau American Sign Language).

Kehidupan keluarga kami memang dikelilingi oleh buku-buku, kliping, musik, dan film. Maka dalam waku dekat ini, insya Allah saya diberi energi oleh Allah Azza wa Jalla untuk merampungkan buku ketigaku berjudul: “Proses Kreatif Lagu & Syair Ikang Fawzi.”

Metode yang kupakai sejenis in-depth interview, sangat enak karena data primer-nya adalah suami sendiri. Bisa kuwawancara sembari tiduran, pakai kimono tidur, di meja makan, bahkan… di kamar mandi…hehe…

Sumber: http://ikangfawzi-musik-medan.blogspot.c…

Lagu "Randy & CIndy" Ciptaan Ayah Ikang-ku untuk 2 Keponakannya Terkasih Kak Randy dan Kak Cindy(1) Lagu “Randy & Cindy” Ciptaan Ikang-ku untuk 2 Keponakannya Terkasih Randy dan Cindy (anak dari Kak Uttie Tangkau-Fawzi & Kak Rex Tangkau)

The Women of School of Communications (Ibu Icha, Aku, dan Kiki adikku) (2) Women of School of Communications (Women of Isabella Fawzi’s Heart: Marissa Haque and Chikita Fawzi, 2009), ILUNI dari FIB UI (Fakulas Ilmu Budaya jurusan Sastra Inggris, Universitas Indonesia)

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